Märklin Christmas 2023 Campaign FAQ

Christmas 2023 FAQ

All about the promotion

The 2023 Christmas campaign explained step by step:

❶ Register on our campaign page.
❷ You will receive the vouchers by e-mail.
❸ Choose ICE, Freight Train or Construction Site Set.
❹ Find a nearby store via our Store Search.
❺ Conveniently redeem all vouchers at the store.

❌ Problems? Our FAQ answers common questions.

Frequently asked questions

  • ▰ The E-Mail with the vouchers has not arrived, what now?

    Sometimes E-Mails do not end up in the desired inbox, but in the spam folder. Please check your mailbox again. A full inbox can also be the reason for missing E-Mails.

    If you have any further questions or problems, our service team will be happy to help. To do so, write an E-Mail (to esistsoweit@maerklin.de) and provide the data (name, address, E-Mail) from the registration form of our Christmas Campaign 2023 so that your request can be assigned directly.

  • ▰ What to do if there is no Märklin Store near me?

    If you do not find a suitable shop in your direct vicinity, please contact the nearest retailer by phone or E-Mail to enable you to redeem the vouchers without long journeys. Find suitable retailers via our Store Search.

  • ▰ The retailer search does not work.

    For the Store Search to work, please activate your browser's location sharing for the Märklin website. For an error-free display of the map, also accept the cookie settings on maerklin.de. These can be found at the bottom of this page.

  • ▰ Does every retailer take part in the campaign?

    Only registered MHI retailers (Märklin Händler-Initiative) are official campaign partners. Our Store Search shows participating dealers.

  • ▰ Can I also redeem my vouchers online?

    No, the vouchers can only be redeemed at Märklin Stores / Retailers. You can find all participating retailers via our Store Search.

  • ▰ How long does the campaign run?

    Registration and entry is possible until December 31, 2023. The vouchers for the discounted starter packs and the free gifts can be redeemed at MHI Märklin Stores. Only while stocks last.

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A great YouTube Tutorial

Märklin YouTube Tutorial - Wir build a model railway

From the Starter Set to the model railway

We begin with the ICE Starter Set from the Märklin Christmas Campaign 2023 and build a great model railway. In many entertaining episodes for beginners and returners, we show step by step how to create an imaginative and realistic model railway world.

Discover the playlist

Märklin Track Sets

With our Track Sets you can wonderfully complement the existing circuits of the Starter Sets. Whether bumper, points or long curves, there are no limits to your imagination. Build your very own track now or be inspired by our Track Plans from the Märklin Magazine.

The Christmas Movie 2023

Märklin Christmas Movie 2023

Now it's time

This year we have prepared something very special, because it starts quite dark and mysterious. Will there be a Christmas happy ending? The time with our loved ones is wonderful and also our most precious time. We show how the most beautiful hobby in the world connects generations and why it is so important to enjoy time with the family to the fullest. Have fun watching!

Watch here